неділю, 7 липня 2019 р.

Задачі з планіметрії на малюнках

How to cut an equilateral triangle into only four pieces so they can be rearranged into a square? Henry Dudeney’s solution to this (the Habberdasher’s problem) is particularly neat as it can work using hinged pieces. [more] [thanks to] [code] A simple animation showing how connecting points rotating on circles at different phases can create the illusion of a 3D figure moving, rotating and skewing. [inspired by] [code] 
Draw some random points on a piece of paper and join them up to make a random polygon. Find all the midpoints and connecting them up to give a new shape, and repeat. The resulting shape will get smaller and smaller, and will tend towards an ellipse!... Spinning a cube along a diagonal gives an interesting shape, composed of two cones and a curved part whose cross-section is a hyperbolic curve. [more] [more2] [code]

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